7 Winning Conflict Resolution Techniques PDF
By:Gerard Shaw
Published on 2019-12-27 by Communication Excellence
Become an Expert of Conflict Resolving Through Verbal and Non-Violent Methods! Have you ever been so angry at someone that you shouted mean things in his/her face just to hurt them? Or has it been done to you? Did you find yourself in a situation where you don't know how to respond to someone shouting at you and throwing false accusations? Did you ever feel bad for days after a certain conflict, worried you've damaged the relationship with that person? If it makes you feel better, we have all went through at least one of those situations. Throughout our lives, we enter numerous conflicts with our family members, friends, work colleagues... Afterwards, we often feel drained, tired, depressed even. It might sound weird, but conflicts are a normal, common occurrence. Even if you are not a type of person that often engages in conflict, you simply can't avoid it. However, not all conflicts are the same. We should all aim to resolve our conflicts in a verbal, non-violent way. There are even methods and techniques to use conflict for our personal growth and developing emotional intelligence. This book will help you understand different types of conflict and how to emerge as a winner without disrupting your internal peace. We say mean things when we're angry, especially if we feel strongly about a certain point or if we have a stubborn streak in general. Sometimes we even say things we don't mean, only to regret it later when the person we're arguing with feels genuinely hurt. This guide will help you control your emotions, put a leash on your impulsive reactions and teach you how to resolve conflict in a calm, peaceful way, whether in the workplace, in your marriage or with family and friends. What you'll be able to do after you read this book: Understand where conflict comes from Recognize different types of conflict and deal with them accordingly Avoid unhealthy ways people deal with conflict Recognize different stages of conflict and your emotional state Build stronger relationships based on trust and respectfulness Use empathy to understand another's emotions and act compassionately Master the verbal communication technique for resolving conflict Use your body language to emphasize your verbal communication Control how you react to certain triggers and avoid emotional outbursts Develop your emotional intelligence Achieve peace and harmony in your relationships and workplace We humans tend to push unresolved issues under the carpet and suppress out emotions because we feel like it will help resolve a conflict peacefully. If you've ever done this, you need this book to show you just how much damage you're unintentionally doing to yourself and to the people you care about by doing it. Avoiding conflict is not healthy. Even if you're a naturally calm, relaxed person, there are situations when your voice should be heard, and this book will help you recognize those situations and deal with them. Do you want to build strong, healthy relationships, resolve conflict in a constructive, peaceful way and bring harmony to your professional and personal life? Scroll up and click on 'Buy Now with 1-Click' and Get Your Copy!
This Book was ranked at 28 by Google Books for keyword Business Conflict Resolution.
Book ID of 7 Winning Conflict Resolution Techniques's Books is MwUnzQEACAAJ, Book which was written byGerard Shawhave ETAG "bSM4e6Uj620"
Book which was published by Communication Excellence since 2019-12-27 have ISBNs, ISBN 13 Code is 9781647800475 and ISBN 10 Code is 1647800471
Reading Mode in Text Status is false and Reading Mode in Image Status is false
Book which have "156 Pages" is Printed at BOOK under CategorySelf-Help
Book was written in en
eBook Version Availability Status at PDF is falseand in ePub is false
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